
. the knight


Tilion, the embodiment of death, wanders the world as a lonely figure, shrouded in the darkness of eternity. He was born as the elder brother of Antares in a small village, but his fate was completely different from that of his younger brother. From his earliest years, Tilion was surrounded by an aura of solemnity, his presence drawing the attention of both the living and those who had passed on.

As he grew older, his understanding of his role deepened. While Antares was feared and shunned, Tilion was revered and sought after, for he had the power to guide souls to their final resting place. His eyes bore the wisdom of the ages and his touch carried the weight of inevitability. He walked through villages and towns as the silent guardian of the line between life and death.

. the knight

One day, a great calamity struck the country, one of war, which plunged countless souls into the abyss of eternal turmoil. Tilion felt compelled to embark on a journey like no other. With each step he penetrated deeper into the realm of the dead, his presence a glow of comfort in the darkness. He sought out lost souls, those caught in the unrelenting grip of immortal time, offering them freedom from their eternal torture.

Through the veils of time and space, Tilion moved with purpose, his path illuminated by the light of fading memories. He encountered spectres of the past, echoes of lives once lived, and guided them gently into the arms of oblivion. His touch was at once compassionate and solemn, a reminder of the inevitability of everything.

Legends told of Tilion, the silent shepherd of souls, who walked between worlds with a grace no earthly being could match. His name was whispered in reverence by those who witnessed his passage, their hearts heavy with the weight of his presence. To this day, Tilion continues his sacred mission, guarding the threshold between life and death, ensuring that all souls find peace in the arms of eternity.